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The plaster cast helps to heal the broken bone. 石膏繃帶有利於斷骨的 ... | OsteoporosisM. D. Law Jr. and R. E. Stein, Late infection in healed fractures after open ... E. C. Brown, D. S. Perrien, T. W. Fletcher, D. J. Irby, J. Aronson, ...Noninvasive Vascular Diagnosis: A Practical Guide to Therapy... limbs with severe skin changes and evidence of healed or active ulceration. ... GL, Myers K, Padberg FT, Perrin M, Ruckley CV, Smith PC, Wakefield TW; ...Rutherford's Vascular Surgery E-BookUlcer healing occurred in 90% to 95% of patients at a median of 10 to 12 weeks, ... GL, Myers K, Padberg FT, Perrin M, Ruckley CV, Smith PC, Wakefield TW, ...Surgical Reconstruction of the Diabetic Foot and AnkleSequential gradient pneumatic compression enhances venous ulcer healing: a randomized trial. ... HeitJA, Rooke TW, Silverstrin MD, et al.
